Apply to become a member

You are almost an official member of our amazing community!

Use this form to apply to become a member of Bishop Wilton Community Shop Ltd. To become a member you will need to buy one share at a cost of £10.

You will also need to pay the £10 membership fee as part of your application. You can either pay by cheque or complete a bank transfer (details below).

I agree that: I have read the current business plan for the shop; I wish to become a member of Bishop Wilton Community Shop Ltd; I am 16 years of age or over; I agree to be bound by the rules of Bishop Wilton Community Shop Ltd; I understand that the Committee may reject my application and are not obliged to tell me why it has been rejected and If I have provided an email address, I consent to receiving formal notices by email and links to formal documents.
By buying this share, I agree to all of the information here being held on a computer database in compliance with the General Data Protection Legislation (GDPR). I understand that this information will be used by Bishop Wilton Community Shop Ltd only and will not be passed to third parties.