We’ve come a long way since a little idea from Annina Diston sparked it all back in July. On Sunday 18th November 2018 we had an open village meeting to make it all official. Thank you to everyone who turned out to support the project and make this meeting happen including Ian Young from the Parish council who facilitated the meeting.
Since July, an informal group, growing from five to eight, has been taking the project forward with a lot of groundwork and research and it all became official at the open meeting with the village unanimously electing to go ahead with the shop project, an official committee and adopting a constitution for the Bishop Wilton Shop Project Group.
The Bishop Wilton Shop Project Group is something which all are welcome (and encouraged) to join. This may mean that you simply support the shop project or you want to get more involved, all levels of interest are welcome. The group members will be part of some of the decision making process and be the support needed to bring the project to fruition.
So, introducing your new, official Bishop Wilton Shop Project Group Committee…
Left to right front row: Louise Butcher (Chair) with skills in education, public speaking and organising, Annina Diston (the one who started it all!) with skills in design and marketing, Sally Smith (Vice Chair) with skills in media, event organising and education. Middle row: Ruth Rowland with skills in business, Liz Collins (Secretary) with secretarial and organisational skills, Susan Frost with skills in fundraising. Back row: David Gaskin (Treasurer) with skills in accountancy.
The next steps are now to do feasibility studies on various location options and work up a business plan in order to make this happen! We’ll keep you updated.
If you would like to register your interest or have something to offer we would love to hear from you. Our email is: bishopwiltonshop@gmail.com
or telephone Louise Butcher on: 369589